16 May

Luciana Rizzo ・ Zone Null

Luciana Rizzo

Feedbacks are wild sounds. They can't be fully controlled. They need a margin of risk to exist. That margin has to do with the atmosphere, concentration, with being present. I'm interested in taking on that risk. Playing with the edges.

Zone Null

The Berlin-based duo ZONE NULL unites Tony Elieh and Burkhard Beins for an unusal encounter of two bass guitars and a variety of analog and digital live-electronics. The sonic fiction of ZONE NULL evolves and florishes on the broad musical horizon these two gentlemen have in common, ranging from musique concréte and contemporary composition via improvised and experimental music to electronic, post-punk and avantgarde rock.
02 May

Eyal Talmor ・ Mauro Diciocia

02.May 2024    

Eyal Talmor

Eyal Talmor is an experimental musician exploring the peculiarities of electronics and sound. His performances use a synthesizer influenced by corrupted MIDI data, making it function beyond its intended capacity. In real-time, amidst machine chaos, Talmor accesses unique, unrepeatable sounds, investigating stress conditions, chaos, and the physicality of new sounds and their impact on the listener.

Mauro Diciocia

Mauro Diciocia works in the field of electroacoustic music, combining sounds and techniques hijacked from the musique concrète/tape music tradition with a modern approach to noise music and soundscape composition. His sound aesthetics is an object in perpetual motion where the constant element is represented by the organic use of field recordings/found footage and their manipulation throughout magnetic tapes and digital processors.
18 Apr

Ohio Valley Wrestling featuring Beat Keller ・ Samo Kutin & Georg Wissa

Ohio Valley Wrestling featuring Beat Keller

Schimmernde Drones, vibrierende Flächen, freejazzige Dekonstruktionen. Das Duo des experimentellen Saxophonisten Florian Walter mit der virtuosen Pianistin Rieko Okuda lotet klangliche und strukturelle Grenzbereiche aus. Keine Kammermusik. Giving full energy to the whole musicality happens between the fields we individually create. This energy meets in both fields to interact with each other, and it evolves the sounds and layers of tone colors dynamically and/or microscopically. It's a physical experience music.

Samo Kutin & Georg Wissa

Improvising together is like meeting an old friend, even if you don't know each other that well. Samo Kutin and Georg Wissa dare to take the audience on a journey whose course is never quite clear or certain.
04 Apr

BY Duo ・ exapist euforia

BY Duo

Kriton Beyer and Viola Yip join forces as a duo, with the shared interest in DIY aspects of sound making, foregrounding materialities of instruments as well as working with feedback as a musical medium in improvised music.

exapist euforia

xapist euforia is a tridimensional snap-shot of contrasting muscular contractions. This is a project that employs improvisation to generate materials that are then structured in the live performed composition. The main focus of the solo is to connect the gesture and the physicality to the instruments and electronics. Both as a method to release tensions and to build the aesthetics in music and a way of playing instruments.
21 Mar

JD Zazie & Billy Roisz ・ kreHm

JD Zazie & Billy Roisz

The duo Billy Roisz & JD Zazie was started in 2014 thanx to the great festival “Depopulate #04” that took place at NK in Berlin. Billy Roisz works mostly in the field of audio-video focussing on the links and gaps between visual and auditive perception, she questions the interaction between sound and image, the interchangeability or unity of the electromagnetic signal in the generating machines which creates image or sound. JD Zazie has explored over the years different approaches of real-time manipulation on fixed recorded sound; in her work she redefines DJ and electroacoustic activities and moves in an area which is constantly stretching the borders of what is supposed to be DJ mixing, free improvisation and composed music.


Founded 2018 by Michl Laab and Patrick Wurzwallner as an outlet for overflowing creative fluids. For the gig on 21 March, the duo is extended by Roman Fire Trubchaninov on sax.
07 Mar

Coudoux / Moir duo ・ RHY & Irene Kepl

Coudoux / Moir duo

Casey Moir's voice and Elisabeth Coudoux's cello meet in in vivid, intricate and sometimes wild free improvisations, as they draw on the extensive sound spectra available to each of them.

RHY & Irene Kepl

RHY ist ein Grazer Trio, bestehend aus Yvonne Hofmeister, Richie Herbst & Harald Hofmeister. Der musikalische Zugang ist die Improvisation, das Experiment. Das Soziale, das Gemeinsame. Für diesen Abend erweitert sich das Trio zu einem Quartett um die österreichische Komponistin und Geigerin Irene Kepl. Sie lebt als freischaffende Violinistin und Komponistin in Wien.
15 Feb

Ask ´em Y ・ Huth/Raggam/Stessl/Wohlgemuth

Ask ´em Y

In 2019, Angelina and Stefan flew to China, in order to play concerts together with Miao. To do the same again, now Miao flew to Europe. Their commonly created soundscape allows for everything that, out of the moment, wants to come to the fore and become audible, be it melancholic, traditional, disturbing, chaotic, seeking … Anything may be, which brings joy ‒ from China, from Europe, from inside, from outside, from the past, from now, and from the future. Together, free and spontaneous, they set off to a sound journey around half the world and further, much further, to new discoveries in unknown spheres!


Spontane musikalische Interpretationen und Improvisationen.
01 Feb

Bruno Dorella ・ Jukka Kääriäinen solo

01.Feb 2024    

Bruno Dorella

"Concerto Per Chitarra Solitaria" was commissioned by the prominent Ravenna Festival in order to explore electric guitar in contemporary music. The result is Bruno Dorella's first album under his own name (after more than 20 years with bands like OvO, Ronin or Sigillum S, which are all still active).

Jukka Kääriäinen solo

Jukka Kääriäinen is a musician and sound artist based in Helsinki Finland. Jukka is specialized in the field of experimental music and arts and is an active performer in the Finnish scene of improvised and contemporary music.
18 Jan

Simon Rose ・ Zero Trio

Simon Rose

From a primary interest in sound, Rose exploits his antique baritone saxophone’s registers by exploring timbre, harmonics, multi-phonics, percussive techniques and circular breathing. Through his open-improvisation approach, dynamic degrees of intensity are balanced by intervallic and melodic material while the particularity of the given space and occasion inform the music’s becoming.

Zero Trio

Original compositions ranging from free jazz to testural soundwork, from noise to radical impro. A group with a unique and powerful sound full of timbres, sounds and sonic surprises, special and involving performance with an explosive sound!